for a very long time, "Through It All" made me cry at worship this morning. the words of the song just pierced through my heart at the point in time and emotions came. it really spoke of His faithfulness to me no matter what happens. it's one of my favourite songs, and a song which i hold closely to my heart, reminding me that God is always there for me in all situations, whether good or bad.

You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
Cover me with your hand
And lead me in your righteousness

And I'll look to You
And I'll wait on You

I'll sing to You Lord
A hymn of love
Of Your faithfulness to me
I'm carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go
Through it all

had a talk with michelle about the struggles and problems i'm facing. also shared with her about my dreams and what i would like to do. she can see that i'm that sort of person who works better with realationships. she encouraged me to pray and seek God for the direction that He wants me to head to. thank you for listening to me pour out my heart and for praying for me.

the questions i will have to ask myself is:

  • what's the thing i want to do?

  • is it what He has planned for me?

  • am i ready?

  • when is the right time for it?

  • will my decisions be positively taken?

  • i have no answers to them yet. but just continue praying with me. i believe that, they will be answered someday.

    1/28/2007 08:57:00 PM |

    the weekend

    the past weekend was wonderful. on thursday, met up with ziig to shop for sue-lynn's birthday present at marina square. coincidentally, glenn, estelle, jeanette and sue-lynn were there too!! estelle was suppose to buy jeanette's belated birthday present, but ended up buying nothing. since we hardly meet on a weekday, and it so happened that we were there at the same time, we sat at starbucks for drinks. while we were there, we had lots of things to laugh at about. it's like, once in a blue moon different people coming together and just chill out. was quite a fun night. i hope it happens sometime again...

    went for the usual CG on friday night, and then supper-ed with dennis, jasmine and ziig till 2am. man, i was damn shagged, but was good to just sit down, chit chat and spend sometime with my "brother" before he leaves for Perth. thank goodness i wasn't dragged back to work on saturday to clear files. not that i do not want to, but i've got prior commitments already.

    camp echo on saturday. not all the campers were present, but the spirit of camp is still there. the circle singspiration thing was fantastic. the youths were really singing out from their heart, despite having only a guitar playing. glenn did a good job in leading and sharing what he been through during the week. captain's ball fellowship worked out well. it was played by level versus level. jeanette suggested that the "old birds" play against the new sec 1s, but it rained and we didn't get to play. lol... food was delicious! and the highlight of the camp echo? the video and photo slideshow. it was so funny that i laughed my tears out. all credits to the video and slideshow go to greg, ziig and dennis. they spent nights doing it and it turned out to be a great form of entertainment. but i do hope that as the youths have watched the footage and photos, they will be remembered of what was done and learnt at the camp. =)

    and today, dennis led his last worship at powerhouse. his reminder to us was to keep a lookout for one another, and to remain together as one community. this guy has been through the different stages of the youth ministry. just like what i've been through. we're the only ones still left ever since the youth ministry in HPC started. with him gone, it's now me left. but no worries, powerhouse has just started to be led by youths themselves. i have to learn to let go, and just be a bystander who observes and step in when i need to. the youth ministry finally belongs to the youth.

    oh! and i joined my new CG for "orientation" today. we're called SLIGHT - Matt 5:13-14. i can't wait to see what the other CG names the rest came up with. it'll be quite interesting. haha!!

    i foresee the coming week to be a tiring one ahead. oh Lord, grant me the strength to take me through it.

    1/21/2007 11:08:00 PM |


    it's so silent in the house now, after my cousins (Andrea, Delwin & Delfie) & auntie returned to Melbourne this morning. their 2-week stay here was full of fun and laughter. especially Fiefie, who's so hyper-active and cute. he can play (gameboy or run around) non-stop the entire day. his cheeks will turn red when he get hot, and that is really adorable. mom bought him Patrick the starfish and Spongebob Squarepants plush toys for Christmas, and he brought back lots of toys which my mom took out from my brother's. toys make Fie a happy boy. Andrea & Delwin finished watching every single disc of the Hong Kong serial (Life Made Simple) which i bought. Fiefie learnt a line of Cantonese from it, and also ran like how the male lead run. Fie is just so loveable.

    actually Fiefie loves Marlon more than he loves me. *sobs* when they went out to feed some pond animals, Fiefie said "Marlon!" to the pond. hahaha!!! that was really funny. he thinks of Marlon rather than me when he's out. Fie would take photos with anybody, except me. hmph... but i've got one nice one with him on my phone, and another on auntie's cam. =)

    alright, how many years it would be before i get to see my uncle and the family again? well, if i have the time and money, i will just fly over and spend sometime in Melbourne.

    take care all of you... we'll just email and chat over MSN soon.

    1/13/2007 10:16:00 PM |

    the last president

    my term as powerhouse+ president is/will be over. although i'm not that satisfied with what i've done for the youth ministry in 2006, i'm thankful for the committee that i had. without them, i think things won't be good.

    what's more is that, i will be last ad final president of powerhouse+. there would not be any more president and youth committee to "run" the ministry. the entire youth ministry will work together and work out the ministry for God's purpose. =)

    i'm excited and looking forward to the youth-led ministry in 2007.

    1/02/2007 08:51:00 PM |