oh boy... it has been more than 5 months since i last wrote something. but i doubt anybody would be reading it anyway, so it does not really matter. 

let's see what have i been up to since my 25th birthday. hmmm... actually nothing much. it has always been work, work, work and more work. haha!! 

but i do have my fair share of fun with people. like, brainstorming ideas for 2011 VBS publicity flyer... the final design has been printed, and it looks really nice! i am so proud of it! 
what else~ oh, and coming up with the design idea of a t-shirt. God did not give me a gift at drawing, to put my idea onto design on paper. but i conveyed my idea to somebody else who put into design. not quite close to what i had in mind, but the design did capture the elements of my idea. =) 

and also, involvement in a relatively new area in ministry. but i have not really sat down prayerfully and ask God, what does He wants the ministry to be working towards. 
ideas are at the back of my head, but i just have not put it down in writing and talk to experienced people about it.
alright... time to sleep, get recharged for tomorrow, for it would be a long day~ 

i wished i could have rested this weekend. but no, have to work~

10/30/2010 11:53:00 PM |