cheryl was terrorised by a gorgeous and adorably cute schnauzer for the first 5mins when he met her.

i bet he must thought that i was his new toy or playmate. was sniffing and jumping up and down on me. and his momma said he was dominating me, so have to say "NO!" to him.

you all should meet this new "friend" of mine. heehee...

1/29/2008 10:31:00 PM |

i bought this online
i think it is so cool lah... can't wait to receive it in my hands.
the above has been shipped!

1/29/2008 01:11:00 PM |


i'm missing the little noisy one already. miss the funny, ugly faces he does to make people laugh. miss him giving people stitch to smell.

they should be touching down in another 1 and a half hours in melbourne.

the house has become so quiet.

for almost a month, the house was filled with noises of my cousins (all 9 of us) and the uncles and aunties.

had our traditional steamboat reunion dinner when i arrived back in singapore. i was the planner for it, cuz i did not want the usual eat out dinner. not fun at all. kinda relive the eve of CNY days when they were still around.

every night the small one would pster me to play raft wars on yea... i had to listen to him and helped him clear level 10 to save mom and dad when he went to bed. next morning i told him i managed to clear level 11 also, and it was to shoot mom and dad. he grinned...

the final sunday was still the best. we went karaoke and bowling. so much fun!!!

this is what i think family bonding is.

but *sigh*, they won't return for another 2 years or so... but hoping to travel there soon again.

1/24/2008 01:15:00 AM |

i bought myself a 2nd hand Crumpler and a pair of Nike running shoes.

and i'm happy.

1/21/2008 11:39:00 PM |

do you really want more?

i really do not know what to do.

1/12/2008 01:38:00 PM |

why do i feel that my life is suddenly like a drama script?

1/09/2008 07:15:00 PM |

what i thought was rebuilding friendship, turned out to be something more than that.

1/08/2008 07:27:00 PM |

why is history repeating itself?!?!

1/06/2008 10:29:00 PM |

2 of my favourite pens have gone missing.

1 of it i know i left it at melbourne's airport while completing the outgoing passenger card.

the other should be somewhere in the house. cuz i think i last used it on saturday.

*sobs sobs*

1/02/2008 05:14:00 PM |