wrong exit

guess what happens when you took a wrong exit out to the highway??
you will be in a journey to nowhere! but it ended somewhere...

that's what happened last evening.
i had an amazing car ride from outram, to tiong bahru, through grange road, down farrer road, out to bradell, pass "i don't know where" and arrived at ang mo kio. and then an hour bus journey backie home to tampines.

but in the midst of the car ride, a phone call from elvin told me that cg had to be postponed last minute. i was like "hmmm... okie... i just have to find somewhere to be dropped off. haha!" oh well, i should be thankful that the wrong exit was taken, cuz if not i think i could have almost arrive where i was suppose to go.

it was quite fun that the driver didn't really know where she was heading. but ended up saving some ERP charges. wahahaha!!!

11/24/2007 07:43:00 PM |

i'm very much still alive.

in case you were wondering what happened to this space of mine. =)

11/17/2007 10:38:00 PM |

vexed with people who think they own the world and can push their authority around.

11/09/2007 06:30:00 PM |