it's wednesday morning and i am here blogging.

yepz, i'm still on "holiday" until tomorrow. haha! well, gonna be at home waiting for the nephew and nieces to come. will be having another round of steamboat dinner tonight again.

i suddenly feel like getting down to cooking some dishes when i am free from work. lolz... whether that will happen or not, i don't know. must find some recipes to try out first.

okie, another mission i will try, is to pack and clear my room. that plan has been shelved like a couple of times. i should attempt to accomplish it once and for all. or rather, in stages until it is finished.

i am hungry now... haha!!

1/28/2009 11:05:00 AM |

watch out for the photos i took from the 1st Singapore Tattoo Convention soon. =)Link
the photos of the tattoo convention are uploaded. click here to view
there ain't many photos, but i do hope you will enjoy what i have taken.

1/17/2009 09:23:00 PM |

today, i was told about something which i did not expect at all. i don't wish to say it here, cuz it is a public domain. i thought it was meant to be a joke, but then again, i knew it wasn't. that totally caught me off guard, although i knew about the couple of suggestions that was made. but i did not indicate an interest in it.

i feel that i am living 2 lives. which is the real me? i can't always be faking on one side, and be real on the other. i can be honest with my feelings to person A, but not person B. sucks living dual lives.

anyway, if only i had the means to live on my own, i so will. i don't like to trouble people for help. i may not be able to do it now. and i don't know whether to laugh or say thank you to you, who is so willing to help me. i know you want the best for me and you are trying to help. thank you for your listening ear, and also for sharing what you had gone through and your life experiences. thank you for comforting me and your advices.

places and options. opened doors, closed doors. where to next? to some place quiet, on a reflective retreat? do i really want some alone time?

1/15/2009 12:46:00 AM |

i just realised that, the last few times i bought clothes, they are mostly black tops.

geez.. what's gotten to me? use to dislike black tops, cuz it's hot! but now i'm liking it. hohoho!

1 more day to the end of the 1st tattoo convention in Singapore. been there for a longer time today, and saw quite a bit of great art. bob tyrrell was busying inking. chris was freaking busy selling posters and signing autograph. and boy, the price of the posters went up today! sheesh... with what i spent on 2 posters yesterday, it was equivalent to 1 poster today. haha! i made a good deal, and of cuz the patience paid off.

ok, shall tour around again and see more art. got to make my $50 3-day pass worth it man...

1/10/2009 11:24:00 PM |

I MET CHRIS GARVER! and had a picture taken with him (although it is a bit blur) but who cares?! maybe will try again these 2 days to get another when i am there.

HAHAHA!!! IT IS A DREAM COME TRUE. but sadly, i ain't the winner of the "Get Inked By Garver" contest. that will be another dream i hope for. but i'll try again next year if he will be the ambassador of the convention again. anyway, i queued like an hour and a half to get upclose to him. the decision to queue was not planned at all. cuz i was wandering around, and did not know where to start. then i came across this queue and wonder what could it be. so i walked up and took a look. and OH MY! it was garver selling his mass printed paintings with autograph. woah... and since i am already there, why not just jump in the queue. he took a couple of breaks, and i was so near yet so far. but i persevered and had the fruits of labour. and i told him to send greetings to the rest of the boys of Miami Ink. haha! if i had queued any later, i may not get out that place at 8.30pm. lolz...

oh, and i was standing next to Bob Tyrrell's booth! but i did not ask for a picture even though he is suppose to be well known. haha! next to his booth had another well known artist doing tattooing. and that is Paul Booth.

right, the next 2 days will walk around and see art. and there is a temporary tattoo booth. should go check the cost of it and maybe go do for the thrill of it. heehee... and yes, mom still wants me to get something permanent!


1/10/2009 12:08:00 AM |

I MET 2 NEW ANIMAL FRIENDS YESTERDAY! the puppies Mocha and Gemma. Sorry, no pictures for now.

and there was Diamond outside the house, cuz she is unable to control her bladder due to the irresponsible owners that tortured her the last time. but at least she is in a safe and happy place now.

oh my, the pups are really adorable. Gemma kept biting my sock! Mocha looks like a golden retriever more than a schnauzer. Gemma looks like a mop. haha!!! didn't get to spend much time playing with them, so cannot say much. but they are really really cute X 1million-times.

as usual, there Titus my beloved who totally went crazy upon see me. how can you not love Titus? he just melts my heart...

okok, i promise that the next time i visit, i will take many many pictures of the puppies (which by then may have grown little bigger) and add them to my animal friends album.

ohoh, dinner last night was good... yummilicious... i want to do shopping there!

1/04/2009 08:50:00 PM |