think i've MIA-ed? i have not. just don't know what to write about.

nothing exciting or happening in life. except that i just started driving lessons though. it was fun. many more to come. yes, i can do it!

the looonnggg weekend is here.

4/29/2009 10:18:00 PM |

'some' people have been "complaining" that i do not update my blog.
but the fact is that, there is nothing interesting to write about...

anyway, worry not. i have not gone MIA-ed. just been "working" a little too hard. but it is all over now...

past 2 weeks had been tiring. long days and late nights... but the event ended on a blastful high... i never expected people who were serious professionals to also let their hair down and had the great fun all night.

well, indeed i had met many wonderful and nice people over the past 3 days. amazing delegates, speakers, hotel staff, etc etc...

oh, one of the most interesting things i got to learnt was the highly advance seamless switcher for projectors. running 2 laptops with 2 different sets of powerpoints, and with just one button, you can switch between 2 screens! how cool is that?! not only can it switch, but it can freeze the slide on the projected screen, and at the same time you can do other things on the laptop without people knowing! hahaha!! yes yes, i am easily amused and satisfied. at least i know of a new technology.

there was a debate on the 1st day, and it was really lighthearted and funny. i really had a good laugh over the statements and things said throughout the debate, as well and the question and answer segment with the audience.

ohoh, i was in-charged of the room where it ran the management track workshop. i had fun sitting in the session and to gain something out of it. the speakers were really entertaining.

alright, i am sniffing and coughing now. likely to come down with fever soon too i guess... i think i should be thanking Mr. X for airborning his bug around. considering that i was around him the last weekend and 3 days during this week. could also be that sleep was not sufficient enough to fight against the bug. however, i think i slept pretty well on thursday night, cuz i think we were totally exhausted. and yes, my sleeping partner was knocked out the moment she plonked herself on the bed after showering. haha! and now i know, you are quite a heavy sleeper when you are really really tired.

all i can say was, all things went well despite hiccups here and there. my fault, yes i know... i have tried my best. the people really appreciated all the efforts that went into it. =)

okok, shall end here and retire to bed...

4/04/2009 11:39:00 PM |