feeling like sh*t 

been feeling lousy over the couple of weeks. i do not know why, but feelings of unhappiness and random questions about my life have been surfacing. 
soon i will be 25. but what have i achieve in my life thus far? what do i look for in the future? will i be able to get what i desire to have in the next few years? 

there are so much that i would like to say, but i am unable to find the words to pen them down. 

is life fair? 

to be continued...(probably)

4/27/2010 11:52:00 PM |

welcome to the P-plate club

after 1 year, 3 attempts, and over two thousand over buckaroos, i finally can say "Hellooo... P-plate~" 

but i could not have it without God. 
thank God for gracious tester.
thank God for the wisdom to manoeuvre the car during parking.
thank God for calming my nerves even though i may have thought i had performed badly.

i may not have given my best shot today, but i am certainly satisfied with what i had tried hard for. my hopes to be able to drive before turning 25 has finally been fulfilled.


4/17/2010 10:08:00 PM |